Voldeps , ©1996 By Alex Rampell Introduction Voldeps is a magnificent utility that does five extremely useful functions. First, it changes your computer's sound volume (also called speaker volume), which controls the volume level at which beeps and sounds are played. Second, it ejects the disk in your main disk drive no matter what application you're in—without leaving a gray icon. Third, it changes your computer's monitor depth (how many colors/grays it displays). Fourth, it is a fully functional screen saver. And fifth, it opens up an application with a press of a key. It does all these functions very easily. Your copy of Voldeps (to be known as VDS) comes with a set of built-in preferences. To change them, click on the Settings... button in the VDS Control Panel. To change the sound volume and monitor depth, simply hold down the selected modifiers (Command, Control, Option, Shift), and either click to pop up the menu for choosing monitor depths, or press the number of the sound volume level you want. First change the setting to your taste, then place Voldeps in the Control Panels folder (in the System Folder) and restart. Voldeps' built in modifiers are Control -AND- F1-F8 (F-Keys on top of Keyboard) for changing the sound volume (Control-1 would set the sound level to 1, and F1 would set the sound level to 1) and Control-Shift for changing the monitor depth. The Screensaver... button will give you all of the screensaver preferences. To use the FKeys to set the sound volume (easiest way), simply click on the F Keys button in the control panel. By Default, the screensaver is on, the activation time is 5 minutes, and the sleep corners are on. Click on the Screensaver... button to change these prefernces. So: Control-Shift-Click will pop up a menu to change the monitor depth -AND- Control and a number (0-7) will change the sound volume. -AND- The FKeys (F1 through F8) will change the sound volume to the number of the key, with the exception, F8, setting the volume to 0. These are just the built in preferences...you can change them to anything you want. To pop up the menu, simply hold down the modifier keys and click; to change the sound volume, hold down the appropriate modifier keys and hit the number of the sound volume you want (or hit an appropriate FKey). To eject a disk, simply hold down the appropriate modifier keys and hit E. So, Control-E would eject the disk, if you use the built in settings. Please be cautious with the Control-E technique, for while it is useful, only use it when the disk has no open documents, etc. Installation It is very easy to install VDS. Simply drag it into your system folder (into your Control Panels folder), and restart! If all goes well then you will see VDS' icon show up in the startup parade. Setting The Preferences VDS allows you to change the modifier keys to popping up the menu, changing the sound volume, and ejecting a disk—all very easily. To change the settings, simply go to the VDS control panel, and click on the settings button. Once you do that, you will see a Settings dialog box. (Shown below)   Let's examine each feature. First of all, there are two pairs of modifiers: one that controls the pop-up menu, and the other that controls the sound volume/disk ejecting. The set of modifiers that you will see at the top of the dialog are the ones to control the sound volume. Simply click whichever ones you want. However, please note that some modifiers are "reserved"; that is, Command-1 may invoke some action in a particular case, just as Shift-1 will produce an exclamation mark. It is safe to do Control-Shift, or Command-Control, etc. Also, the Command key is the Apple key, and vice versa. Set these modifiers to anything you'd like, or would find most convenient. I use Control for both the pop-up menu and the sound volume/disk ejecting, but you can use whatever you find most convenient. Right below is a check box "Beep when volume selected..." If it is checked, then you will hear a beep of the appropriate sound level once you change the sound volume level, just like the sound control panel. If unchecked, the sound volume will still be changed, but you won't hear the beep. Below that are the modifiers for popping up the menu. You can choose any key, including the Command (Apple) key, to do this, since it doesn't interfere with a normal system set-up. Once you change everything to suit your tastes, close the control panel and restart. Your changes will then take effect. Using Voldeps Once you have "equipped" VDS to meet your desires and have restarted, it's time for the fun. Let's start with the sound levels. There are eight different sound levels, from no sound, at 0, to high sound, at 7. VDS simply mimicks the function of the Sound Control panel, only making it much easier. So suppose you set your modifier keys to Control. Hitting Control-0 would set the sound level to zero, Control-1 would set the sound level to one, and so on... Hitting Control-E would remove whatever disk is in your disk drive (and no gray icon!). Unlike the system command Put Away (for a Floppy Disk), VDS will eject a disk no matter what application you are in. Annexing 0-7 to your selected modifiers will change the sound level, and annexing an E will eject the disk. And if you use the Function Keys option, then F1-F7 will set the sound volume, with F8 to set it to zero. To change the monitor depth, press your modifier keys and click the mouse anywhere on the screen. A menu will pop up containing all of the depths that your system is capable of. (Shown below) Simply select the one you wish to set it to.   The Screensaver The screensaver included with this software is very, very simple, and for a good reason. It does the task of saving your screen, but does not (hopefully) cause any system conflicts, and only uses 2-3K of RAM. Monitor manufacturers are now producing supposedly "burn-in proof" screens, but the danger still exists. When I left my PowerBook 180c on for six hours, I suffered a burn-in that lasted for a week. Same with my Quadra 800. Any monitor (including portables) can sustain "burn-in" damage when the same image is left on the screen for too long of a time, resulting in "ghosting" images and a decrease in monitor clarity. Some monitors cost more than a computer, so it only makes sense to protect yours. To use the screensaver, simply click on the Screensaver... button in the VDS control panel. Full help is available for this section of VDS, in the Screensaver Settings... dialog. Screensavers are often known to be egregious extensions that can screw up your computer. This is true, with some screensavers. AfterDark (©Berkeley Systems) and other big screensavers do something called patching to prevent other applications from drawing to the screensaver display. The only problem is that this approach can often cause problems with many other extensions. So here is the VDS screensaver, a simple, no-frills, screensaver that will give your computer more RAM and more processing time, while still ensuring less chance for error. Some programs may go through to the screensaver display, once in a while, but the VDS screensaver will still maintain its goal of saving your screen. Shareware, and some info... Here comes the best part...VDS is shareware, $12. What exactly does that mean? That means that if you use it, and like it, I request that you send me $12. I worked quite a long time on making this program; it's not free, but rather just like software you would buy from a store. Here's how it works: You are given a reasonable amount of time (10-20 Days) to fairly evaluate this program. After that time, you must either remove the software from your disk, or pay the shareware fee (registering). Registering entitles you to free updates, and rebates for other software programs. Plus by registering you will eliminate the reminders. Visa/MC Now accepted; you can send by E-Mail (for fastest registration) or by snail mail. Please fill out the registration form included with the program. Send $12 + an E-Mail address or $12.50 with a regular address to: Alex Rampell 1186 North Ocean Way Palm Beach, FL 33480 For credit card orders (Visa/MasterCard only), you can send an E-Mail to lottsim@aol.com or simply mail to the address above. Upon paying the shareware fee, I will send you the registration code to eliminate all reminders from this product. If you HAVE AN E-MAIL address, PLEASE INCLUDE IT! You'll get your registration code either instantly or within a few days! Please note that I'm charging $0.50 extra if you don't include an E-Mail address (for Postage and Handling). This is also to encourage you to include your E-Mail address! (Or AOL Screen name, etc.) This program really is a bargain: $12 for a collection of invaluable utilities. This All-In-One approach saves you disk space, and RAM. Other shareware products charge $10 per each part of VDS; if you were to buy five of those, it would cost you $50. Sending in your shareware fee is the only way you can ensure that I will continue to support this product, and continue to expand upon its already large list of features. Please include all information that you see when you click the Register... button. (which you can access when you start up the control panel). Reminders: Unfortunately, not everybody pays their shareware fees. Some people need to be goaded, reminded, etc. When I wrote my first good program, VolumeQuickChange, I earned $24---4 registrations, in 3 months. Then, I turned it into a control panel, added a reminder message, and earned 3 times that amount in just the first few days. I wish I didn't have to include them, but from my point of view, it's the easiest & only way to enforce honesty (and make my work profitably worthwhile). Comments, Problems, Et Al... I've tested this program to the best of my ability (and my beta-testers' abilities), and have not found any problems with it (just one, see below). However, there may (or may not) be one lurking around there somewhere. I hate putting this disclaimer in, since it implies that there is a problem with the software, but I am not responsible for any damage this may cause. Phew!! Since that is done, here is some more information. If for any reason you don't like VDS, I'd like to hear why. If you have any suggestions, comments, problems, or mishaps, please tell me. The one known bug is that sometimes Voldeps will say it is not loaded when it REALLY is on some machines. I can't figure this one out, but it is perfectly harmless. America On-Line: LOTTSIM Internet: lottsim@aol.com I've tried to put together a list of things that ought to be done (like changing the sound volume, monitor depth, or ejecting a disk), and I would like to hear your suggestions. I'm thinking of adding a an Instant Trash Emptier. But that's only two. I want to bring that list up to as high as possible. So if you have any ideas, please send them this-away. If I use it, you'll get a free copy. Users of Volume/Depth Switcher, VolumeQuickChange, SetSoundVolume, AutoDiskEjector, and Twitch: As you can see, this entirely replaces both VolumeQuickChange and Volume/Depth Switcher....as well as adding many new features. If you purchased either product then you are eligible for an upgrade which is free for Volume/Depth Switcher, and $4 (price difference) for VolumeQuickChange. There are two "knock-offs" of Voldeps (SetSoundVolume & Twitch) that I also wrote, which are more specialized versions of a certain function. (Difference in price if you want to buy VDS) If you bought Volume/Depth Switcher before May 18th, '96: You get a *free* upgrade. (Afterwards, it is simply the price difference) If you bought VolumeQuickChange: A $2 upgrade. If you bought SetSoundVolume or Twitch: A $6 upgrade. If you qualify for a free upgrade, simply write me and I will send you the registration code. I have been continually searching for new ideas, and have found that customers are the best source for them. So, please send in your ideas for programs, etc. Maybe you'll find a free copy in your mailbox. The Voldeps Legacy I want Voldeps to be the best and most useful utility out there. If you think anything should be added to it, please write me. Like I said, I may add a trash-emptier to it, and a thing or two more. New versions should sport some excellent features, if I get enough shareware fees, such as an iconic menu in the menubar... The System of Shareware I admit, until I became a software developer, I didn't pay my shareware fees. Not a single one. But then, I saw the light...I have become an avid supporter of shareware, both in making it and paying for it. If nobody pays their shareware fee, then nobody will make any more shareware...it's that simple. Shareware is a means of distribution that counts on the honesty of the user...the very existence of the wonderful system of shareware counts on YOU. Some Other Stuff... Every time I make a shareware product, I get dozens of letters asking me if it can be included in a commercial package, CD-ROM, etc.. So, the answer is a resounding YES. Just send me an E-Mail telling me what you're using. A free copy would be appreciated. To regular users: please upload this everywhere. FTP sites, CompuServe, GEnie, etc. It's fun getting paid from people on other systems besides America On-Line (though I love AOL, but a check is a check). The End This is the end. If this is too hard for you to read, simply click on the Save As Teachtext... button below, and you can read it/print it as a TeachText document. Which brings me to acknowledgments. Acknowledgments I would like to thank James W. Walker for this superb help system that you are using. Don't you think so? I'd like to thank Ken Worley for his excellent jGNE/Control Panel shell†, and all the registered users of Volume/Depth Switcher. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank my beta testers, who did a wonderful job in testing this product. Thanks a lot to the registered user who suggested Function Key capability (your dream came true). Of course I owe a ton of credit to Michael Simmons, who endured crash after crash until we fixed the problem[s]. He's been a great beta tester (Internet address: MacGuitar@aol.com). I hope this program serves you well, and I hope your conscience (&the reminders) help you keep shareware going. †If you don't understand, don't worry about it.